Transfer your legal authority in
case you can’t act independently
A Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship and Advance Care Directive are essential documents in your estate planning portfolio. These documents put in place legal authority for the person you nominate to continue making decisions on your behalf.
An Enduring Power of Attorney transfers your authority so that a person of your choice can sign cheques, withdraw or deposit money, buy or sell real estate, enter legal agreements and more.
Enduring Guardianship and Advance Care Directives are other documents where you can appoint someone to make decisions about where you should live, what healthcare should be provided and what treatments you may need should you become temporarily or permanently incapacitated.
Together, these documents work to keep things as normal as possible if incapacity arises.
Now is the best time to ensure the future is a smooth and easy process for your family to continue your affairs if you become unable to do so. Get peace of mind today.
What you can expect from us
There are many things to consider in establishing Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship and Advance Care Directives. We will listen closely to your ideas and help guide you through the decision-making process to ensure you:
- 1Understand the options available and their implications
- 2Receive pragmatic advice on which to make an informed decision
- 3Appoint the right people in positions of power
- 4Achieve the best possible outcome with your estate planning
Company directors may also need to consider appointing a corporate attorney. There are some nuances to corporate appointments, so we can guide you through the process and ensure your agreement is legally sound.
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