Protect future generations with greater security: testamentary trust will

Many people know the benefit of having a will, especially after working hard over many years to build their portfolio of assets. But a simple will is often not enough to provide a safeguard from relationship breakdowns, protection from creditors or minimise tax implications for your future generations. A testamentary trust will is one way you can protect assets held in your personal name when you pass away.

Get greater control over asset distribution
and better tax effectiveness

Testamentary trust wills are complex structures, requiring expert legal skill. We can partner with you to:

  • 1Deeply understand your situation
  • 2Assess the suitability of a testamentary trust will
  • 3Prepare correct documentation to support your goals

With the right investment today, a testamentary trust will can prove to be a flexible and rewarding source of income for your family in the future.

Our family’s future is bright

“We are so thankful that our children will be able to continue the legacy
we are creating now in the most secure and tax effective way.”

– Brendan & Lacey

A focus on the future

Successful people often worry about the future of their family or loved ones if they were to pass away. Often, they have a strong desire to continue to provide for their family, taking care of their needs, and ensuring a smooth, easy process.

A testamentary trust will is a flexible solution to accommodate changes in relationships and robust enough to provide tax-minimising strategies and protection from creditors. When you pass away, you’ll be giving your family the most effective, secure and prosperous solution.

What you can expect from us

Our expertise in advising on testamentary trust wills is highly specialised and our approach ensures a detailed outcome to achieve your goals.

Our three-step process includes:

  • 1Exploration – we get to know you, your goals for the future and your concerns
  • 2Strategy – we stress test the available options and find the solutions that best fit your goals, whilst minimising risk
  • 3Implementation – we will provide clear and concise advice before completing the correct documentation

Recognised for legal excellence

Book your 30 minute online consultation now