Fully understand your rights and obligations
In considering a lease for commercial premises, it is important you:
- 1Understand how to best structure the transaction for your business
- 2Have the right terms to protect your interests
- 3Can meet the required deadlines
- 4Have a trusted legal advisor to call on
What you can expect from us
Being results-driven, we help businesses and individuals look at the entire transaction with the end goal always in mind, so the right outcome is achieved for you.
We can assist in drafting or reviewing a commercial lease to mitigate the ongoing risks to your business. Our process involves ensuring that your interests are protected, and risks are mitigated.
We will provide practical and clear advice on:
- 1The terms and conditions of the lease, such as the length, the rent, deposit, fit-out provisions and ensure the rights and responsibilities of both parties are identified
- 2Ensure the lease meets the needs of you and your business, and that it is for and reasonable in the market
- 3Your obligations under the lease, and how and when to raise issues with the landlord
- 4How to renew or terminate the lease